Dr Oz: Tretinoin Cream Vs Retinol & Stretch Marks Microdermabrasion

Dr. Oz said that more than half of us have Stretch Marks, but new solutions could help them disappear with products like Vitamin C Lotion, Tretinoin Cream, and Microdermabrasion.  Dr. Oz was able to illustrate the latest stretch mark remedies and explained what causes them in the first place. Stretch Marks can change colors, as sufferers probably know. 
His assistant was a mother of two, so she knew a few things about stretch marks. But let's get to the important stuff, what causes stretch marks? And what can we do to get rid of them? Here are the simple ingredients you need: ? Dr Oz said that. Typically, the skin is flexible, but over time, these culprits can make damaging changes to the skin. Redness that may appear is a sign of the body attempting to heal itself. But swelling can work against that. Read more here: