You wouldn’t judge someone if they ate half a cheesecake in just a couple of days, would you? I’m asking for a friend. Well, it’s starting. We’re on tap to get our first triple-digit day here in Sacramento this week. I don’t know why I’m surprised – this happens every year. May creeps into June and the temperatures creep upward and then BAM: sweltering heat.
 Everyone gets up in arms about how it’s 100 degrees! OMG! It’s so hot! But really, it’s Sacramento in June, what do we expect? (And, BTW, by everyone I mean me.) Admittedly, Sac is better than Phoenix. I’m sure it hit 100 at our old house in March, so I won’t complain too much…
But I’m still going to complain a little. After all, if I lived in San Francisco this week I’d be putting on jeans and gloves. It’s only going to be 70 there, and foggy. I love the fog. I miss the fog. If I could live in SF again I swear I would never ever complain about the fog again. I’d embrace it like the heaven it is. Read more here: