Bye Bye Saddlebags Routine

Women should definitely rock their curves, but sometimes the body goes a little overboard and gives women a bit more than they ordered in the thigh department (we’ve all been there!). But before you decide to pull out the baggy shirts and sweatpants, take a shot at this workout routine that just may be the solution to your saddlebag dilemma.
Standing Fire Hydrant with Medicine Ball: You’ll need a sturdy chair and a soft ball for this move. Do it for 30 seconds, switch legs and perform the movement on the opposite leg for another 30 seconds. To see full instructions, click here!


30-Day Get in Shape Training Plan for Beginners

It takes courage to transform your body, your health, and your look, by starting a new fitness program. Whether you’ve spent years, months, or weeks on your couch, in your comfort zone, beginning a new routine can feel daunting. We’re here to guide you as you ease into fitness.
Our 30 day beginner’s training plan was designed with the true fitness beginner in mind. For the full duration of the program, you’ll be challenged with various beginner workout routines. All workouts will help your body grow stronger, leaner, and more efficient. Read more here:


How To Get A Bigger Butt – 28 Day Program

Has your butt lost its round, youthful appearance? Did you know that it’s possible to reshape and build a bigger butt naturally? By naturally, we mean using exercises that are specifically for reshaping and sculpting your butt. Here’s a 28-Day program that is designed to give your butt a more youthful and sculpted look. 
If you are in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, or beyond, the get a bigger butt program is ideal for you. It is a comprehensive 28-Day program that targets every angle of the three gluteal muscles. Aging often has a negative effect on the glute muscles, causing them to droop and lose their youthful round and toned appearance. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned athlete, you can benefit from the How To Get A Bigger Butt in 28 Days Program. Read more here:


Quick Cardio Fat-Blaster Workout

Short on time but want to lose some inches and pounds? Grab your mat and get ready to burn some serious calories put with our super awesome and uber effective Quick Cardio Fat-Blaster Workout. After all, how can you go wrong with “Quick” and “Fat-Blaster” in the same sentence? You can’t! So come join us.
This quick cardio workout can be done every day as part of your regular routine (like brushing your teeth). And if, like brushing your teeth, you can turn it into a daily habit, imagine the possibilities! As far as workouts to blast fat go, this one is simple, straightforward, and some might even say enjoyable. And how could you possibly say no to that? Fat-blaster workouts rock and we’re here to make sure you get rocked ASAP. Read more here:


Beautiful Back Home Workout

Love to wear racerback tops and dresses, tanks, and spaghetti straps? Imagine how fit and toned you’ll look with a beautifully sculpted back and tight, toned chest muscles. Achieve the look you want with this simple, convenient home workout!
Equipment Needed: Water, an exercise ball or flat bench, 2-4 sets of dumbbells of varying weights.What to Do: Complete each exercise for 12 reps.  No rest between exercises; rest 30 seconds after completing each circuit. Complete 4 circuits. Be sure to increase your weight after each set. Also, watch the videos below to view correct form. Read more here:


Retro Run/Walk Playlist

If you’re planning to workout with our 6 Week Walk/Run Calendar, music motivation can make all the difference. Retro music gives you a different feel compared to current tunes. Nostalgia hits with each and every song, and you’ll undoubtedly think of good times and fun memories. 
This retro workout playlist will give you all of the energy and buzz that you need to feel good while you tackle and transition from walk, runs, and jogs. Read more here:


8 Easy Ways to Show Your Husband You Still Care

Does your husband think you don’t care about him anymore?  Once the children come along, our lives get busier and our husbands often take a back seat. If you’ve been neglecting your husband lately whether intentionally or unintentionally here are some quick ways to show him you still care.
Spend Intentional Time with Him – As moms, we’re busy. But if you have time for the PTA, getting your hair done and searching Pinterest but not your husband–something is wrong. Carve out time each and every day that you can spend focusing on your husband and nothing else. Read more here:


Clean Eating Overhaul: 30-Day Weight Loss Program

Have you been indulging on excessive snacks and sweet, sugary treats? Or are you in a takeout rut? If your eating habits need a serious transformation, our Clean Eating Overhaul: 30-Day Weight Loss Program will give you the tools and resources you need to completely overhaul your diet in no time.
This 30-Day program focuses on delivering weight loss results quickly and efficiently. Our clean eating approach will allow you to eat a variety of your favorite foods, while keeping in mind the principles of clean, healthy eating. Read more here:


16 Effective Butt Exercises For Toned Buttocks

Jennifer Lopez is known as much for her music as for her shapely derriere! It is no wonder that most women and some men aspire for the perfectly toned hips. Without weight training, you simply cannot tone your buttocks. Toning exercises not only helps the glutes but are also useful for your hamstrings and quads. If you want to make this exercise even more effective then use dumbbells. The best and easiest butt-toning exercise is walking or standing lungs.
If you are looking for a fit and healthy body along with toned muscles, then choose easy workouts that suit your lifestyle, or better still, consult your physician. Choice is yours!
1. Simple Bridge:

  • Place your body on a flat surface, placing your arms flat at your sides.
  • Lift your hips into the air, keeping your arms straight, while bending your knee.
  • Stay in the position at least for 15 to 20 seconds. Repeat this 12 to 15 times. Read more here:


Get Rid of the Cottage Cheese on Your Thighs

The mortal enemy of bikini season, cellulite seems to exist just to infuriate all women trying their hardest to get fit. It doesn’t matter how much weight you lose from dieting, the cellulite never seems to disappear from your hips, thighs and booty. Dieting alone won’t eliminate cellulite because cellulite is essentially fat and needs to be eliminated by exercise from your entire body before you can tone the muscle. Exercise is essential to burning fat, and therefore losing cellulite. Here are some great moves to help you get rid of that cottage cheese on your body.

Lunges: Lunges will target your glutes and fronts of thighs where cellulite lives.

Start with feet hip-width apart and arms at sides.
Lunge forward with your left foot, bending the knee at a 90 degree angle and dropping the right knee down until it almost touches the ground.
Be sure to step the left foot out far enough to prevent your knee from extending over the toe.
Raise yourself back up and repeat with your right foot.
Need a challenge? Lift your leg up after each lunge. Learn how here.


Thunder Thighs No More: 58 Must-Try Toning Moves

If you’ve been aching for lean legs and toned inner thighs, then this is the article for you. A collection of nearly 60 muscle-sculpting moves to work all areas of the thighs (and more!) will be more than enough to get you well on your way to those gorgeous gams you’ve been envisioning. Beginners should create a sequence of the moves below and complete three sets of 10-15 reps. Those at advanced levels should create a sequence of the moves below and complete each move as many times as possible for 60 seconds.
1. Plank Jacks: This exercise adds a whole new level of heat to your traditional plank! For more instructions, click here.


Thunder Thighs No More: 58 Must-Try Toning Moves

If you’ve been aching for lean legs and toned inner thighs, then this is the article for you. A collection of nearly 60 muscle-sculpting moves to work all areas of the thighs (and more!) will be more than enough to get you well on your way to those gorgeous gams you’ve been envisioning. Beginners should create a sequence of the moves below and complete three sets of 10-15 reps. Those at advanced levels should create a sequence of the moves below and complete each move as many times as possible for 60 seconds.
1. Plank Jacks: This exercise adds a whole new level of heat to your traditional plank!
2. Plie Squat into Side Kick: This twist on the squat will make your whole body burn! Keep your core engaged to stay balanced. 
3. Side to Side Speed Plank: You will really feel the burn with this variation! Focus on keeping your back straight and don’t forget to breathe! Read more here:


27 Simple Tricks To Lose Belly Fat For Good

Belly fat is one of the most common problems with women. In fact, it has been observed that even those who have slim bodies are troubled by bulging belly. A bulging belly not only diminishes your appearance, but also increases the risk of diseases like stroke, diabetes, heart disease and cancers. Some people even go to the extent of taking diet pills or fat burners for reducing belly fat.
To lose this fat effectively, you need to focus on exercises that specifically target your belly and other parts of your body. A full body workout helps your body continue burning fat, long after you’ve completed your workout. In addition to exercising, there are certain natural ways such as dietary and lifestyle changes which can help you get those flat and sexy abs.

Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat:

There are plenty of exercises and food items that can go a long way in helping you get flat abs. All it takes is a little bit of discipline and perseverance. Exercises are one of the best ways to achieve your desired weight loss and the same is true with reducing belly fat. Given below are a few exercises that help you in getting rid of a bulging belly.
1. Side Plank:
This is a great abs work out. It is different from traditional plank in the sense that it enables you to support your body weight on two points of contact instead of four, helping you work out your core muscles.
  • You can start off by lying on your elbow placed directly beneath your shoulders and your legs stacked together. Now place your right hand on your left shoulder or right hip.
  • Brace your abs and lift your hips off the floor so that you are balancing on your forearm and feet. Your body should form a diagonal line. Hold on to this position for 30 to 45 seconds or as long as you can if you are a beginner. Switch sides and repeat the procedure.
2. Exercise Ball Crunch:
This exercise is done with the help of an exercise ball crunch and is great for working out your abdomen muscles. In this exercise, the abdomen gets exerted while the rest of the body is stabilized throughout the routine.
  • To start off, lie on the ball with your lower back fully supported and your hands placed behind your head.
  • Now lift the torso off the ball by contracting the abs to pull the bottom of the rib cage towards the hips.
  • Curl up, keeping the ball stable and then lower back down to stretch the abs. Do at least 1 to 3 sets each with 12 to 16 reps.
3. Reverse Crunch:
This exercise has been considered more effective than regular crunches in strengthening the core muscles.
  • You can start off by lying flat on your stomach with your arms at your sides.
  • Crossing your feet, lift them off the floor to create a 90-degree angle with your knees.
  • Now contract your abs muscles and lift your hands and shoulders off the ground, exhaling when you contract and inhaling when you lower your back down.
  • Try doing 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 reps each.
4. The Bicycle Exercise:
Cardio exercises are one of the best exercises for burning body and belly fat. Exercising on the bicycle is one of those which are great for body rotation, abdominal stabilization and more abdominal muscle activity.
  • Start off by lying on your back with your hands behind your head.
  • Now slowly raise your knees to your chest while lifting your head and shoulders off the floor.
  • Bringing your right elbow towards your left knee, straighten your right leg.
  • Now switch sides, bringing your left elbow to your right knee and straightening your left leg.
  • While doing this exercise, keep your breathing relaxed and even. Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 reps each.
5. Vertical Leg Crunch:
This exercise is similar to leg crunch except that your legs are straight up, working out your abs and adding intensity to the routine.
  • To start off, lie down on the floor with your legs straight up, your knees crossed and your hands placed beneath your head for support.
  • Contract your legs, lifting your shoulders off the floor and keeping your legs in a fixed position to crunch.
  • Do at least 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 reps each.
6. Long Arm Crunch:
This exercise has been derived from the traditional floor crunch where the arms are held straight behind you such that a lever is added to the move, making it a challenging exercise.
  • Start off by lying on the floor or a mat. While doing so, extend your arms straight behind, keeping them clasped and next to your ears.
  • Contracting your abs slowly, lift your shoulders off the floor to keep your arms straight.
  • Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 reps each.
7. The Captain’s Chair Leg Raise:
As evident from its name, this exercise involves a captain’s chair and a rack with padded arms to allow the legs to hang free. It is commonly found in gyms and racks.
  • Start off by standing on the chair and griping hand holds.
  • Pressing your back against the pad, raise your knees to the chest to contract the abs.
  • Then lower the back down.
  • Perform 1 to 3 sets each with 12 to 16 reps.
8. Interval Workout:
An interval workout is a workout where a high intensity exercise is followed by a lower intensity exercise. This is done to enable your body to workout at a good pace and then give it enough time to recover. For example, you can try jogging for the first 5 minutes to warm up. Then sprint for the next 2 minutes. After that, you can slow down to the spot where you are running at a jogging pace and then indulge in a full sprint for 2 more minutes. You can end up by jogging for the final 5 minutes.
9. Running and Walking:
Running and walking are the best fat burning exercises. This is quite simple as all you need is a good pair of shoes. Running burns more calories but walking is also quite effective in this regard. You can try brisk walking for 30 minutes at least 5 days in a week. This will cause you to breathe harder and your heart rate to become faster than usual. To get the same results in half a time, you can try jogging for 20 minutes in a day, at least 4 days in a week.

Diet to Reduce Belly Fat:

In addition to exercise, there is a need to make certain changes in your dietary pattern to reduce belly fat. All kinds of junk foods, processed snacks and aerated drinks might seem pleasing to your taste buds but they cause more harm to your tummy both internally and externally, causing fat to accumulate in your mid section.
A balanced diet not only improves your overall fitness but also prevents your belly from bulging up. Besides, there are certain food items that can help reduce your belly fat naturally. Given below are a few dietary tips for reducing belly fat:
10. Restrict your Caloric Intake:
As we all know, the key to weight loss is consumption of fewer calories than you normally consume. Spot reduction is rather impossible but when you start losing overall body weight, you tend to lose belly fat first. Thus, there is a need to restrict the intake of sugar and starch as these types of foods get stored in the body as fat if the calories are not burnt off immediately and do not provide much nutrition. Instead, it is advisable to consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins like chicken, fish, turkey and tofu. Processed foods and sweetened beverages also contain hidden fructose apart from fruits. Make sure to limit your fructose intake to less than 25 grams per day.
11. Avoid Late Night Snacking:
Late night or in between meals snacking should be avoided. If you feel hunger cravings in between meals, go for healthy foods like carrots, celery, fruits or nuts.
12. Eat Smaller Portions:
Reducing portion sizes can greatly help in weight loss including belly fat. Ensure to consume all kinds of foods in moderation to reap their health benefits.
13. Keep Yourself Hydrated:
Staying hydrated is extremely important. Drink plenty of water as it keeps you full in-between meals. You can drink one full glass of water before every meal as this will fill up your stomach and you are likely to eat less. Replace the sugary sodas and fruit juices with water to prevent the consumption of unnecessary calories. Ensure to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
14. Eat Fewer Carbs:
Carbs are an important source of energy. But most of us tend to consume more carbs than are need. These carbs get stored in the body as fat resulting in the appearance of belly fat.
15. Eat More Protein:
Increase the consumption of lean proteins like fish, skinless chicken and eggs. Since protein has a higher thematic effect than other foods, your body burns more energy while processing proteins than it does while processing carbs and fat. Thus, a high protein diet is more effective in burning belly fat.
16. Cut Down on Alcohol Consumption:
Alcohol is loaded with sugar which leads to fat. Even if you cut down your sugar consumption but continue consuming alcoholic beverages, you are no better off. Alcohol also places stress on your liver which is forced to overwork to remove toxins consumed. This adversely affects the building of muscles. Alcohol greatly contributes to belly fat so it is advisable to refrain from consuming it.

Foods that Reduce Belly Fat:

As stated earlier, there are certain foods which are especially effective in reducing belly fat. The foods given below should be included in your diet as they can provide you with a flat belly along with a rich boost of nutrition.
17. Fruits and Fruit juices:
Among fruits, cranberries are especially effective in reducing belly fat. They have a high content of organic acid which act as a catalyst for enzymes. These enzymes help in reducing the fatty deposits. Ensure to include 100% cranberry juice in your diet. Cran-water also helps to lose belly fat. Dried fruits like raisins, apricots and figs are also quite nutritious and beneficial for weight loss.
18. Fish Oil/ Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Omega-3 fatty acids help you to lose belly fat by directly targeting tummy fat. Fish oil is another great option to lose belly fat. Ensure to consume at least 6 grams of fish oil or eat mackerel, salmon at least twice a week. You can also munch chia seeds as they are high in protein and an excellent source of B vitamins. They also contain calcium and high quantity of antioxidants.
19. Linolenic Acid (GLA and CLA):
Conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLA) and Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) help reduce belly fat by activating the brown fat in overweight people. You can obtain this GLA from precursor vegetable oils like sunflower oil. Otherwise you can also use GLA supplements. CLA helps in reducing fat by helping the body to utilize and access stored fat.
20. Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA):
Monounsaturated fats like omega-9 fatty acids also play an important role in a flat belly diet. Certain studies have shown that MUFAs help to burn body fat in the belly. The American Heart Association recommends using MUFAs instead of trans-fats and saturated fats. To get the recommended amount of MUFAs, you can use olive, sunflower or safflower oil for cooking. Other sources of MUFA include filberts, olives, macadamia nuts and avocados.
21. Lemon or Lime:
For a flat belly, try to drink lime juice in normal water daily in the morning. You can also sip lemon juice or use it in salads or in your diet. Lemon provides more energy to the liver to liquefy fat so that it gets flushed away more quickly from the system. Besides you should drink plenty of water to accelerate this process. Dehydration can cause your kidneys to take help from the liver, thereby reducing the liver’s speed to burn fat.
23. Herbal Teas:
Herbal teas can be beneficial in this regard as they are prepared from spices and herbs that have been proven to speed up metabolism, reduce stress and cleanse the body’s internal organs. You can also consider using green tea as it has a load of antioxidants which are great for your body, skin, hair and brain. It contains EGCG which can help you lose belly fat naturally. Try having 3 to 4 cups of green tea in a day without adding milk or sugar. An effective way to lose belly fat is to replace the sodas, juices and other sugary foods with herbal teas.

Lifestyle Changes:

Apart from a healthy diet and regular exercise, it is important to incorporate certain changes in your lifestyle to accelerate the process of losing belly fat and be able to maintain the fitness level in the long run. To start off, it is important to maintain a positive attitude. If you believe that you will be able to do it, you can actually do it. In fact, you have to be patient enough as you cannot expect to get instant results. You need to make the following changes in your lifestyle:
24. Get Proper Sleep:
Getting proper sleep is perhaps one of the best and easiest things that you can do to bring your body into shape including reduction of belly fat. Science has shown a link between getting deep sleep on a consistent basis and having less belly fat. Sleep deprived people tend to feel sluggish, causing them to eat more to compensate for the lack of energy. The deepest and most sound sleep comes from going to bed early in the evening. When you are awake till late in the night, you are tired and your body produces more Ghrelin, which increases cravings for sugar and other fat-building foods. Lack of sleep can also alter your hormone production, thus affecting your cortisol levels that cause insulin sensitivity which is one of the causes of belly fat. It is advisable to get at least 7 hours of sleep at night.
25. Manage your Stress Levels:
Stress is a part and parcel of life today. But too much stress can increase the level of cortisol in the body which leads to excess fat storage. Stress can be managed by indulging in regular exercises, staying away from stress inducing people from your life and time management. You can try yoga, meditation or other mind-body building activities that improve breathing, posture and provide relaxation too. If your job is the cause of your stress, consider changing your careers to be better off and alive. Being late or constantly running out of time can also lead to stress. Try to manage time by making a list of things that you need to accomplish on a given day. This might help in reducing your stress levels and consequently the fat accumulated in your belly.
26. Slow Down your Breath:
This is an effective method that you can try even if you are busy doing something else. Whenever you find that you are feeling tensed, try and check your breathing. When people are stressed out, they often alternate holding their breath with short breaths or take rapid shallow breaths. When you become aware of your breathing, relax your belly and try to slow down your breathing. To get the best results, focus on slowing down your exhalation rather than inhalation. This method is quite simple but extremely effective.
27. Be Persistent:
It is our tendency to look for quick results in every aspect of life, fitness is one of those. Often when we are trying to lose belly fat or simply lose weight, we expect to see results within a short span. When we fail to see the difference, we end up feeling disappointed and giving up on the fitness regime.Another reason is that some people feel monotonous following a particular routine or are simply unwilling to make the requisite changes.
So the most important thing that you need to keep in mind while trying to lose belly fat is to be persistent. As we all know, nature is persistent, time keeps on moving no matter what. Like nature, you have to be persistent enough to take steps each day to eat the right foods, do your regular exercises and nourish yourself. You need to give some time to yourself before you can see positive results. Avoid pushing yourself while trying to lose belly fat as things take their own time to work out. And last but not the least, you have to maintain a positive mood and be happy. Make sure to measure your progress to know where you are heading.
So if you really want to look good in your favourite skinny jeans or a perfectly fitted dress and if you think that belly fat is incurable, you need to change your thinking. Just go ahead and adopt the simple yet effective ways given above. Though you cannot reduce fat, you can definitely lose belly fat by decreasing your total body fat percentage.
Remember a step taken in the right direction is always better than standing still on the wrong path. Go ahead and make those small changes in your life.


20 Life-Changing Hacks for Doing Your Nails

Line your nails with petroleum jelly or white craft glue before painting them for an easy cleanup. If you're working on a nail look that's messy, use a cotton swab to rub petroleum jelly like Vaseline on the skin around your nails first. This creates a barrier between the polish and your skin so that after you've painted your nails, you can wipe off the Vaseline and any polish mistakes along with it.
Another way to prevent paint from drying on the skin around your nails is to paint around your nail with Elmer's Glue first, and let it dry. Then, paint your nails with polish and peel off the glue when you're finished to clean up. To prevent the tips of your painted nails from chipping, paint two basecoat layers: one on the top half of your nail and the second coat over the entire nail. Read more here:


7 Best Moves To Get Leaner Legs

The following leg workout incorporates seven powerful exercise moves designed to do double duty. This routine will get your heart rate up, making this a fat burning workout, while also building beautifully toned legs. Each move targets a different area. 
Glutes, thighs, hamstrings, and calves this workout has all your main muscles covered. The result will be strong, sculpted, leaner legs! Equipment Needed: Set of medium-heavy dumbbells (10-15 lbs). What to Do: Perform 12 reps of each exercise. Complete reps on both legs where required. Rest 30 seconds between each exercise. Do not rest if performing on separate legs. Read more here:


The Upper Body Workout for Women That’ll Make You Love Your Body Again

To guys, the muscles that are most important to work are the biceps, pecs, lats, and traps. After all, these are the muscles that can change a mans look dramatically. But what about women? The vast majority of women don’t want to have massive, bulging biceps or look like they’re the incredible hulk. They want to look slimmer, longer, and more toned. In one word: sexy. 
The good news for women is that doing upper body exercises won’t make them bulky. It won’t make them look like a guy, and it certainly won’t make them muscle-bound or less flexible. The exercises which make men big won’t have the same effect on women. Why is this, you wonder? Put simply; they can’t. Read more here:


DIY – Foot Scrub

Summer is here. The beach, the pool, the picnics and not to mention the long drives to the middle of nowhere await you. Time to ramp up the style! Pull out the short shorts and tiny skirts. Team them up with those beloved flip flops and sandals. Did the harsh winter leave back ugly cracked heels? Never fear, Style craze is here to save the day.
We have some home remedies for you which will make you look and feel like a diva. Cracked feet occur due to dryness and dirt. The fissures become longer and rougher over time. Its best to start early and opt for treatments to reduce the fissures.Going to parlours for pedicures and manicures may seem like a costly affair when the same results can be achievable at home. Read more here:


How to Start Saving Money – 6 Tips & 2 Deal Breakers

I am very excited to welcome Olivia of Snyders Tell All. We are both passionate about showing mamas how they can save money so they can spend more time with their families. Today she’s sharing her best tips for how to start saving money that helped her become a stay at home mom. We were both teaching and did not have kids.  
We doubled up on payments for a while and then started paying more and more, beating our goal by 4 years and paying it off in 33 months ($110,000 loan)!I’m so excited to share something very dear to my heart with you Growing Slower followers SAVING MONEY!  Read more here:


Engaged? 6 Reasons to Consider a Winter Wedding

When it comes to weddings, it’s pretty much a given that chilly months of winter aren’t the most desirable (that honor goes to June and September.) Indeed, spring and fall weddings are lovely, and summer weddings have their perks, but we think there’s something absolutely charming about saying your “I dos” with a gorgeous wintry backdrop. 
Since winter is a less desirable time for weddings, your services are going to be way cheaper. Most vendors are hungry for business between December and March, so you’ll be able to choose ones you really want and have more room to negotiate. Read more here:


17 Cleaning Hacks For Every Room In Your House

Cleaning hacks may be the most useful and efficient of all the life hacks I’ve learned over the years. Since learning some of these cleaning ideas, I’ve stopped staring at scratches in my worn wooden furniture and turning up my nose at my limescale covered shower. 
This time I’ve actually done something about it because these DIY ideas actually work! Cleaning on a budget doesn’t mean you have to get the bottom shelf, chemical-ridden cleaners. Learn to make some of your own DIY cleaning products instead with the cleaning product recipes below. Read more here:


17 Home Remedies for Toothache

Odontalgia, or in simple words, toothache, is a less frequent but severe pain in or around the teeth and jaws. When a person suffers from this debilitating pain, all he wants is to get rid of it anyhow. The severity of a toothache can range from mild to throbbing and to excruciating. Toothaches occur when the extremely sensitive central portion of the tooth, called the pulp, becomes inflamed. 
This can happen for a variety of reasons: cavities, a blow to the tooth, or an infection of the gums. You should consult your dentist to get a permanent cure for your toothache. But, if it is not possible to rush to the dental professional immediately, it is advisable to take some natural home remedies to reduce the toothache to some extent. Read more here:


12 Weight Loss Tips You’ve Never Tried

Hey, if it works, it works! From the basic to the bizarre, we’ve compiled 12 weight loss tips you’ve never tried. If you’ve reached a plateau or you’re struggling to shed those last five pounds, give these unique strategies a try. 
Studies have shown many times over that eating off smaller plates leads to eating less. Not only will you put less food on your plate to begin with, but portion sizes look larger when plated on smaller dinnerware. Reduce the size of your dishes and bowls at home. When dining out, ask for a salad plate or bowl and transfer your food to it before eating. Read more here:


7 Effective Tips To Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast

Every woman hates to have cellulite! Those hideous looking fat deposits attack those points that are clearly visible – the thighs, the hips, and the lower abs. However, there are women who have cellulite in their arms as well. Is there an effective, yet quick way to get rid of the cellulite? 
The answer is definitely a big YES! Before guiding you through the 7 techniques to get rid of cellulite quickly, let’s understand what causes cellulite in the first place. This is a question you need to answer. And, if you really don’t know its answer, let me tell you. The actual reasons behind the cellulite are two:
Water retention.
Reduced blood flow to the fat cells. Read more here:


20 Beauty Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making

Which do you apply first, your concealer or foundation? It seems like this questions is somewhat of a debate because I’ve read a little of both on some of the most popular beauty blogs. 
I’ve always applied my foundation first, otherwise it seems redundant to apply concealer only to have the coverage wiped away with the application of your foundation, so in this case, as long as your concealer is blending in well and giving you the coverage you want, do whichever works for you! On that note, here are a few things you may be doing wrong with your concealer: Too much in a targeted area. Read more here:



Fix your beauty problems overnight to wake up to a whole new glow. Treat your skin and hair overnight with natural treatments with the following beauty tips and tricks to wake up pretty: Soft Feet: Use Vaseline or warm olive oil to massage your feet, cover them with socks to treat dry, rough feet overnight. Moisturized lips: Wake up to kissable lips by using a thin layer of sweet almond oil over the lips before going to bed. 
Moisturize: Cleanse and exfoliate to deep clean the skin from dirt and makeup, follow up with a good moisturizing process to rejuvenate your skin overnight. Use a small drop of vitamin e oil under  your night cream to wake up to a  radiant glow. For an all natural night cream use olive oil and massage it into your skin before going to bed. Source:


28 Things That Are Worth Getting In Shape For

Fitness has everything to do with body and mind. The endorphins and hormones that exercise produces does amazing things for sleep, mood, weight loss, sex life, and overall happiness. Accomplishing what you set out to do. It’s being capable of doing whatever I set my mind to through patience, hard work, and determination. 
Having the ability to unleash your inner power at any given moment. Inner power is not just physical fitness, but mental fitness. Fitness abilities, physical and mental, make up the incredible individual that you are. Read more here:


Want to Lose Weight? Here's the Dinner This Celebrity Trainer Suggests

If you're looking to lose weight, celebrity trainer Joel Harper recommends serving up soup for dinner. "Liquids are already broken down," he says, which means your body has to do less work when it comes to digestion. This can help keep you regular, banish bloat, and support weight-loss goals!
However, any old soup won't suffice; Joel is all about focusing on the quality of your calories rather than a sheer number and making sure there's some protein in your bowl. Whether you're a meat-lover or vegan eater, at least one of these 18 nutrient-dense soups will become a staple in your dinner rotation. Read more here:


DIY Money Saving Home Repairs

Want to know a quick way to eat up your decorating budget? Paying for home repairs! Nothing will make your “Restoration Hardware” dreams go up in smoke faster than a plumbers bill… So we have pulled together some easy tutorials for money saving home repairs that will keep your wallet happy, and maybe give you just a little more confidence to tackle some bigger projects next! 
Our featured project, above, is from ‘DIY Network’. Learn how to repair wood floor. Got scratches in your wood work? Doors, tables, and chairs all get marks from use. ‘This Old House’ shows you a quick way to camouflage scratches in wood. Read more here: