Goodness knows that my two boys can’t sit still on the couch for very long.  They always seems to end up on the floor when they are watching TV.  But the problem is that our sisal rug is not exactly comfy for lounging on. We aren’t a huge TV family but I am hoping that, with summer vaca just around the corner, the boys might want to start their day with a show or two so that I can… say… have my coffee in peace, or sleep in a little, or read my favourite blog?!? 
 I figured that I better find a way make sure they were comfortable…  So now that I have made them their own DIY giant floor pillows, I think that problem is solved! Am I dreaming here? If you have been reading for a while, you might know that I sure LUV ME some pretty fabric.  I may be a “bit” of a fabric hoarder.  And I am most certainly a complete-pillow-addict. Read more here: